It's a clown show, I tell ya..

Never ever expected to be blogging about the political situation of our Nation but it's too crazy out there, which makes it really hard to hold back. What’s up with these hypocritical Republican souls? More than that, I just could not understand the South Carolinians. They cheer ecstatically for all the wrong reasons. I just caught glimpses of the debate on the radio and some clips online but it was totally insane.

To start off with the biggest clown of the remaining pack, Mr. Gingrich.. He goes on a rampage against John King, the CNN host & ABC News for exposing his dirty laundry. The worst part is when the crowd gave him a standing ovation. It’s “moral” for Gingrich to do what he did but it is immoral to confront him and there is a whole movement backing that? Seriously, what kind of world do we live in.. Additionally, the radio talk show hosts go on to support Newt bashing ABC News. The focal point was ABC for being “un-ethical” in airing his Ex-wife’s interview two days before a primary. Why does it matter when it is aired? Most interesting part was how the whole focus shifted to the timing of the revelation than the actual truth, this is classic right-wing politics man – a total diversion from the actual facts and then blame the other side for every damn thing, own up something people.

Further, there is absolutely no FACT check on any of Newt’s claims or anyone on the debate stage, they pretty much pull things off their rear-end and the crowd went gung-ho about it. It reminds me of the ‘Aliens’ from the Toy story movie, looks like they were all hypnotized by the Tea party freaks before they were let inside the debate hall.

Another Loser of the pack, Mr. Perry - The same guy who said, ‘Those who are not trusted by their spouses are likely to betray their business partners and more so the country’. Hence Newt is not fit to run for President. 3 weeks from that statement, It is the exact same guy who comes out and publicly endorses Newt. How else could one define hypocrisy? His only agenda was to derail Mitt Romney. I feel for Mitt as he is fighting with his own party for years now and he is still struggling to gain their support.

Nevertheless, the whole focus of the campaign is not about ‘Vote for me’, am here’s why am capable but about ‘Don’t vote for that black man in the White house’. They just cannot digest that and were unable to, since Mr. Obama took office.

On the flip side, Andrew Sullivan’s Newsweek article clearly outlines the progress made by the current administration. And Remember, Andy is a conservative and it is very interesting to see one sensible one from the right.

There is an underlying question that hit me leading up to the debate. I was switching radio stations and I ended up on a conservative radio program with Mark Levin’s show, he is preaching his audience how great of a guy Newt is as he now reached God with all his Sins. Since then, he has come clean and all together a different individual. He’s the most ethical, most mature and most Christian of all.. hence should be voted for office.

Anyway, at a deeper level here are a couple of things I’m trying to analyze.. a) It’s rather sad to see how 'race' and 'religion' are playing such a dominant role in the most advanced Nation on the planet, and b) If you are a sinner, just go to a Confession box and all your sins are wiped out and you come out clean? Is this a one- time process or you can do this repetitively? On the same note, what does Hinduism preach? Yea, It teaches Tolerance and forgiveness but what is considered a 'sin' and Is there a redemption? Any thoughts….


Hema said…
Enjoyed reading it! Loved the cartoon!
Regarding hinduism - I guess the confession box is within you and its up to you to make that acknowledgement internally. The sin question in Hinduism is interesting ...but I guess any action done which causes distress to others and without a higher intent is sin?