Disconnect and get your life back!

As they say, practice what you preach - I'm not preaching nobody but at a slightly lower level, wanted to exercise something before I suggest. For those few friends who have still been following my irregular blog posts (I need to get back to a more predictable routine), I'll let you in on a little 'secret' - Don't just cut the cable, but go as far as disconnecting from all the freakin' news feeds and trust me, you are not missing a beat and life still goes on. News has become so unreasonably sensational that it is hard to believe anything anymore.

My real tipping point was the US Presidential election, I should admit that I was following the trends on both the candidates, their widely-different approaches, their campaign rhetoric or the lack thereof. I used to get a daily dose of political punditry from Joe Scarborough to Anderson Cooper to Megyn Kelly covering all sides of the political spectrum. Even though we don't have cable at home, we cut that bad boy before kids knew about remote control, news was still in your face regardless. Keep in mind, we live in an era of 'information overload' and options were ubiquitous.

Now, fast forward to Nov 9, 2016 when the US election results started unfolding. There was a lot of pre-determined speculation about how a women candidate will break the glass ceiling and become the first lady President of the most powerful nation on the planet. Everyone, including the new president-elect was caught by a surprise on this shocking turn of events. So, how did this outcome turn me away from watching news? Subconsciously, I personally expected a different outcome or didn't realize how real the anger in people was. At a pragmatic level, like a majority of Americans I also assumed that the establishment will ultimately pull its weight. If I can take a moment to comment about the outcome, here is how I felt days after the results.

My FB post (Nov 12, 2016): I don't know which one is more scary in the new 'Trump Nation', the leader at the top or the people who elected him?

As we emerge out of this crisis, what became strikingly evident was the underlying hate, discrimination, bigotry & a sense of entitlement by a certain demographic, who don't seem to realize that this country is what it is today because of immigrants including themselves/previous generations.

They will hopefully come to realize soon once their new, 'President-elect' stumbles to govern, struggling to make 'America great' again. God Bless!

After some introspection, I decided to do something radical for myself and see how it plays out. So, I went cold turkey and disconnected myself from all the noise. Unplugging has been so refreshing and payoff is more than extraordinary, I feel ever-energized and generally cheerful.

So, how do I get around not watching or facing news? I travel a lot and I purposely avoid landing on any news channel, make a conscious attempt not to listen to any radio news channels or participate in any discussions related to news. I unsubscribed all my news feeds, deleted news apps on my phone and I just passed the 75 days mark. For all practical purposes, I'm sort of living under a rock when it comes to 'news in America' and I feel more smarter than before.

If you are wondering what I do follow - I've grown an enormous fascination towards the 4th revolution and want to be an active part of that change, check out my most recent blog post on that subject. Besides I'm able to spend time with my family (while not traveling), watch and play sports and constantly think about how I can make a difference to the society. So, come join me with an open mind  - one family member, friend, blog follower at a time.
